How to register DSC? How to register DSC IN MCA V3 portal? DSC is registered still cannot upload form? There is an error that DSC is not registered where in it the DSC was already registered in v2?
In such case, follow below mentioned procedure:

  1. 1. Change existing Password of the DSC (DSC can be of any practicing professional/Directors/ Authorised representatives, Etc.)
  2. 2. Uninstall existing emsigner and Embridge from your system.
  3. 3. Install latest emsigner and embridge (from MCA website only).
  4. 4. Shut down your System completely (Do not restart).
  5. 5. Then Start your system again and before starting any other application start emsigner and run as administrator, then click on embridge and run it as administrator. Insert DSC on the system.
  6. 6. Login on MCA website with your Registered ID
  7. 7. Go to MCA service> FO services> Associate DSC > click on Associate DSC on right hand side corner.
  8. 8. A dialog box will appear> click on drop down arrow> select your token. On second drop down > click on name of DSC you are trying to register.
  9. 9. On last column enter existing password of your DSC.
  10. 10. Once process is completed a dialog box showing ‘Congratulations’ from MCA will appear on your screen. Your DSC is registered, now try uploading form again.

(Author – CS Krishna Popat, Krishna Popat & Associates Company Secretary in Practice from Mumbai you can get in touch/ post your queries through
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